Transform your Real Estate team with the game-changing TeamLife Program

REIP Members save 20% until 31 August

What if your staff churn, performance and psychosocial health could all be improved at the same time?

With many Real Estate Agents now considering how to cost effectively comply with Australia's recent psychosocial harm regulations, HD&U presents an alternative.

Rather than incurring another compliance cost, why not flip the narrative through a program that gets your team more agile, your business more profitable, and your culture more positive... as well as keeping you in check with the new regulations?


FACT: mental health always impacts agency profit & performance

Here’s the thing. Mental health in the workplace makes a difference - in both directions:

When things aren’t going well, it’s not just health that’s exposed. When leaders fail to protect their team from psychosocial harm trust is lost, culture breaks and performance falls. However when things are going well, and people connect and align, teams can produce extraordinary outcomes, exceed expectations, and love their experience of work.

According to Antonia Mercorella, CEO of the Real Estate Institute of Queensland (REIQ), "Failure to address mental health in the workplace can have serious consequences, not only for the individuals involved but for the entire organisation"

For Property Managers in particular, the most common of these consequences includes those listed below... with each moving positively or negatively in line with culture and wellbeing:

  1. Staff churn
  2. Productivity
  3. Morale & engagement
  4. Brand damage
  5. Legal risk

The costs of failing to manage any of these can be staggering or occasionally leave a PM team debilitated. Consider:

  • Although recruitment costs are often close to $10,000/PM, the Australian Bureau of Statistics calculates replacement costs (ie - including duplicated training, lost productivity etc) as between $56,000 and $112,000.
    Imagine if you lost more than one PM in a year? Or imagine if you lost your entire team?

  • Although brand damage can be hard to assess, the customer service of a PM often has carry over impact on sales too.
    What would the cost be to your business if you lost a sales commission due to poor service? Or imagine if you lost 5 or more?

  • On the flip side of course, great cultures commonly atrract high performing staff from rivals, and customers too.

HD&U's TeamLife Program

5 benefits of HD&U’s TeamLife Program…

HD&U’s TeamLife Program is based upon organisational psychology and behavioural science, is enabled by cutting edge software, and is delivered through targeted coaching. Here are some of the benefits our clients report…

  1. Improved Agility & Market Share
    Improving how frequently they identify and align to a new objective makes our clients agile… and capable of seizing market share from rivals who are not.

  2. Faster Skill Improvement
    Working with specialist Team Coaches closes the time to resolution of soft skills gaps from months to hours… enabling our clients to both sustain high performance outcomes and avoid toxic problems.

  3. Improved Culture & Retention
    When teams accept our challenge to create the greatest experience of work they will ever have, its transformational.

  4. Higher Productivity
    Measuring what matters and tracking progress in TeamLife Platform and huddles each week enables our clients to continuously improve; more consistently and efficiently align towards important objectives and priorities; and improve the quality of their interactions and meetings.

  5. Team & Self Awareness
    Through the combination of Team Coaching, huddles and insights provided by TeamLife, our clients are facilitated to better understand themselves, each other, what is causing stress, and how they can support each other to become more effective.
Diagram of TeamLife Program and services within it

Here's what's included for REIP members...

To begin with, you'll receive access to workshops, surveys, reports and tools, as well as software that provides real-time visibility of your team's performance and health

In addition:

  • Our Directors will provide advice on leveraging the program for team alignment, direction & tactics
  • Our Team Coaches will drive team progress. Joining meetings, checking in with staff, monitoring progress & culture
  • Our Consultants will provide expertise, analysis and speed to help you identify hidden issues
  • TeamLife will provide visibility and efficiency, to help you pivot effectively and continuously boost performance, culture, and wellbeing
Exclusive, 20% Reduced Price for REIP Members*
*This offer is only available to members of REIP. The offer is only valid for bookings made prior to 5PM on 31 August 2023, on the condition that the program commences prior to 30 September 2023; that you complete the pre meeting questionnaire which we will provide to you; and that you participate fully in the program. 

Meet the team

Stuart Hayes Photo IMG

Stuart Hayes

Strategic Business Leadership, Governance, Team Management and Turnaround


James Dalton

Strategic Business Leadership, Governance and Turnaround


Claudia Navarro

HR & Training Specialist, Team Coach and Consultant


Rani Blake

Wellbeing Specialist, Team Coach and Consultant

Your pathway to a more fulfilling business

At HD&U Consulting, we’ll help you achieve the outcomes you’re seeking, so owning your business feels as fulfilling as it should.

We’ll provide advice, insight, guidance or coaching where needed, or even roll up our sleeves and get things done for you. Whatever it takes to help you plug the gaps, fill-in what’s missing, or put your finger on the real problems and fix them. Direction. Cash flow. People. Systems. Whatever.

Combining over 75 years accumulated expertise in running and advising private businesses as CEOs or owners, with the unique world-class training only provided by the global consultancies we’ve worked for, HD&U’s seasoned team has a unique capability to assess your entire business and assist at any level. And then there’s our commitment to finding a solution for any circumstance or budget.

Reach out and connect with us now.

HD&U Pty Ltd

ABN 14 658 143 054
PO Box 411, 
Kew East, VIC, 3102
(03) 8737 9333